Sunday, January 29, 2012

Kindred Arhain of Athel Loren

Utilising the computer fan I bought a few months ago, the whole basing process was much faster than expected as it reduced the drying time between the layers of basing by half. I used the modelling flock and glade grass combination for my elves. So, here they are again, fully based and ready to raid the Northern Isle with hail of arrows.


  1. Quickly, buy more models and make it up to 3000pts!

  2. You guys are having a campaign or something? Real nice bro..

  3. @doc: don't you mean assemble and paint what I already have? ;)

    thanks guys. we're going for a tournament in Penang in February.

  4. Oh.. The Island of Fire. I was greatly interested but sadly it happens during my birthday. That weekend is for family.

    You guys have fun :)

  5. Nicely done bro!!
    Those guys look ready for some blood...hopefully not cicakmen blood haha.

    The trip is gonna be super fun!! Dinner with Doc n TJ on the plan :)
    We'll get Doc drunk so he wont know what hit him during the games hehe
