The Legio Malaysia Army Throwdown has returneth!
The theme for the current installment if Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB). I'm joining again, of course, and this time with my Warriors of Tzeentch. Yesterday night was the First Throwdown session at the relocated Legio Malaysia. Pictured below is my entry for the night, Marauder Horsemen with Javelins.
Pics Courtesy of Hobby Forge and Legio Malaysia |
And below are the Top 3 entries of the night, which is solely based on my humble opinion. Do checkout this
link to feast your eyes on all 10 entries last night.
(Note: You might probably need to have a Facebook account to access the pictures)
Pics Courtesy of Hobby Forge and Legio Malaysia |
Pics Courtesy of Hobby Forge and Legio Malaysia |
Pics Courtesy of Hobby Forge and Legio Malaysia |
That's all for now, adieu!