Greetings all, here's a quick recap of my hobbying activities for the past 1 month. I missed the Elite Throwdown due to work commitments. Taking things positively though, it gave me more time to concentrate on the HQ and Fast Attack choices. There's a slight miscalculation here, as the next throwdown is actually Heavy Support. Anyway, here's my HQ entry.
Pics Courtesy of the Legio Malaysia Facebook page |
February was also a month chocked full of gaming for me. It's been quite some time since I last gamed this much in a month, and most definitely a nice change to my usual routine. However, if you noticed it took a bit of my blogging time ;)
In case you didn't know, Legio Malaysia has organised their 4th 40K League. As this is year of Elves for me, I brought my Space Elves to the battle. After Week 4 of the League, here is the current standings:
Courtesy of the Legio Malaysia official blog |
Fifth place, not too shabby for someone who seldom plays. The Top 4 guys on this list are Blood Angels, Necrons, Necrons, Blood Angels. I don't think the 6th Edition rules affected my army much, but then again, my list ain't the typical Eldar army you would expect fighting against. Here's the list:
HQ (Warlord) : Farseer, Singing Spear, Guide
HQ : Farseer, Guide, Runes of Warding
Elite : 8 Fire Dragons in Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannon
Elite : 8 Fire Dragons in Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannon
Elite : 8 Fire Dragons in Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannon
Troops: 3 Guardian Jetbike, Shuriken Cannon
Troops: 3 Guardian Jetbike, Shuriken Cannon
Fast Attack: Vyper, 2 Shuriken Cannon
Fast Attack: Vyper, 2 Shuriken Cannon
Fast Attack: Wasp Assault Walkers, 6 Shuriken Cannon
Heavy Support: War Walkers, 6 Scatter Lasers
Heavy Support: War Walkers, 6 Scatter Lasers
Heavy Support:: Fire Prism Grav Tank
Yes, for the sake of achieving the goal of target saturation, I am guilty of playing a spammed list. There are four reasons why I think 6th Edition enhanced my army as a whole:
1. I've always played my Guide Farseers on foot supporting the Scatter Laser Walkers so, the new FAQ doesn't mean anything to me. Flyers needing 6s to hit is not that big of a problem, since all current flyers are AV12.
2. Wave Serpents is only a delivery system for me, having Jink and Hull Points only makes it stronger (and cheaper since Spirit Stones is not that important anymore). Plus, you may disembark up to 6" when a vehicle is wrecked. On a side note, Jink and Hull Points were also the reasons on why I played Vypers again.
3. Walkers need not take morale test, since they're a vehicle. Plus, they can now Overwatch.
4. The new Eldar Jetbike rule is awesome!
Hmm...I don't think this is a quick recap anymore. LOL.
Till next time folks, adios.